Yocto Project Test Environment Manual

The Yocto Project
Copyright © 2010-2020, The Linux Foundation

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales as published by Creative Commons.


  • This version of this manual is for the 3.1 release of the Yocto Project. To be sure you have the latest version of the manual for this release, go to the Yocto Project documentation page and select the manual from that site. Manuals from the site are more up-to-date than manuals derived from the Yocto Project released TAR files.

  • If you located this manual through a web search, the version of the manual might not be the one you want (e.g. the search might have returned a manual much older than the Yocto Project version with which you are working). You can see all Yocto Project major releases by visiting the Releases page. If you need a version of this manual for a different Yocto Project release, visit the Yocto Project documentation page and select the manual set by using the “ACTIVE RELEASES DOCUMENTATION” or “DOCUMENTS ARCHIVE” pull-down menus.

  • To report any inaccuracies or problems with this (or any other Yocto Project) manual, send an email to the Yocto Project documentation mailing list at docs@lists.yoctoproject.org or log into the freenode #yocto channel.





October 2020

The initial document released with the Yocto Project 3.2 Release