9. OpenEmbedded Kickstart (.wks) Reference

9.1. Introduction

The current Wic implementation supports only the basic kickstart partitioning commands: partition (or part for short) and bootloader.


Future updates will implement more commands and options. If you use anything that is not specifically supported, results can be unpredictable.

This chapter provides a reference on the available kickstart commands. The information lists the commands, their syntax, and meanings. Kickstart commands are based on the Fedora kickstart versions but with modifications to reflect Wic capabilities. You can see the original documentation for those commands at the following link: http://pykickstart.readthedocs.io/en/latest/kickstart-docs.html

9.2. Command: part or partition

Either of these commands creates a partition on the system and uses the following syntax: part [mntpoint] partition [mntpoint] If you do not provide mntpoint, Wic creates a partition but does not mount it.

The mntpoint is where the partition is mounted and must be in one of the following forms:

  • /path: For example, “/”, “/usr”, or “/home”

  • swap: The created partition is used as swap space

Specifying a mntpoint causes the partition to automatically be mounted. Wic achieves this by adding entries to the filesystem table (fstab) during image generation. In order for Wic to generate a valid fstab, you must also provide one of the --ondrive, --ondisk, or --use-uuid partition options as part of the command.


The mount program must understand the PARTUUID syntax you use with –use-uuid and non-root mountpoint , including swap. The busybox versions of these application are currently excluded.

Here is an example that uses “/” as the mountpoint. The command uses --ondisk to force the partition onto the sdb disk: part / –source rootfs –ondisk sdb –fstype=ext3 –label platform –align 1024

Here is a list that describes other supported options you can use with the part and partition commands:

  • ``–size``: The minimum partition size in MBytes. Specify an integer value such as 500. Do not append the number with “MB”. You do not need this option if you use --source.

  • ``–fixed-size``: The exact partition size in MBytes. You cannot specify with --size. An error occurs when assembling the disk image if the partition data is larger than --fixed-size.

  • ``–source``: This option is a Wic-specific option that names the source of the data that populates the partition. The most common value for this option is “rootfs”, but you can use any value that maps to a valid source plugin. For information on the source plugins, see the “Using the Wic Plugins Interface” section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.

    If you use --source rootfs, Wic creates a partition as large as needed and fills it with the contents of the root filesystem pointed to by the -r command-line option or the equivalent rootfs derived from the -e command-line option. The filesystem type used to create the partition is driven by the value of the --fstype option specified for the partition. See the entry on --fstype that follows for more information.

    If you use --source plugin-name, Wic creates a partition as large as needed and fills it with the contents of the partition that is generated by the specified plugin name using the data pointed to by the -r command-line option or the equivalent rootfs derived from the -e command-line option. Exactly what those contents are and filesystem type used are dependent on the given plugin implementation.

    If you do not use the --source option, the wic command creates an empty partition. Consequently, you must use the --size option to specify the size of the empty partition.

  • ``–ondisk`` or ``–ondrive``: Forces the partition to be created on a particular disk.

  • ``–fstype``: Sets the file system type for the partition. Valid values are:

    • ext4

    • ext3

    • ext2

    • btrfs

    • squashfs

    • swap

  • ``–fsoptions``: Specifies a free-form string of options to be used when mounting the filesystem. This string is copied into the /etc/fstab file of the installed system and should be enclosed in quotes. If not specified, the default string is “defaults”.

  • ``–label label``: Specifies the label to give to the filesystem to be made on the partition. If the given label is already in use by another filesystem, a new label is created for the partition.

  • ``–active``: Marks the partition as active.

  • ``–align (in KBytes)``: This option is a Wic-specific option that says to start partitions on boundaries given x KBytes.

  • ``–no-table``: This option is a Wic-specific option. Using the option reserves space for the partition and causes it to become populated. However, the partition is not added to the partition table.

  • ``–exclude-path``: This option is a Wic-specific option that excludes the given relative path from the resulting image. This option is only effective with the rootfs source plugin.

  • ``–extra-space``: This option is a Wic-specific option that adds extra space after the space filled by the content of the partition. The final size can exceed the size specified by the --size option. The default value is 10 Mbytes.

  • ``–overhead-factor``: This option is a Wic-specific option that multiplies the size of the partition by the option’s value. You must supply a value greater than or equal to “1”. The default value is “1.3”.

  • ``–part-name``: This option is a Wic-specific option that specifies a name for GPT partitions.

  • ``–part-type``: This option is a Wic-specific option that specifies the partition type globally unique identifier (GUID) for GPT partitions. You can find the list of partition type GUIDs at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table#Partition_type_GUIDs.

  • ``–use-uuid``: This option is a Wic-specific option that causes Wic to generate a random GUID for the partition. The generated identifier is used in the bootloader configuration to specify the root partition.

  • ``–uuid``: This option is a Wic-specific option that specifies the partition UUID.

  • ``–fsuuid``: This option is a Wic-specific option that specifies the filesystem UUID. You can generate or modify WKS_FILE with this option if a preconfigured filesystem UUID is added to the kernel command line in the bootloader configuration before you run Wic.

  • ``–system-id``: This option is a Wic-specific option that specifies the partition system ID, which is a one byte long, hexadecimal parameter with or without the 0x prefix.

  • ``–mkfs-extraopts``: This option specifies additional options to pass to the mkfs utility. Some default options for certain filesystems do not take effect. See Wic’s help on kickstart (i.e. wic help kickstart).

9.3. Command: bootloader

This command specifies how the bootloader should be configured and supports the following options:


Bootloader functionality and boot partitions are implemented by the various –source plugins that implement bootloader functionality. The bootloader command essentially provides a means of modifying bootloader configuration.

  • ``–timeout``: Specifies the number of seconds before the bootloader times out and boots the default option.

  • ``–append``: Specifies kernel parameters. These parameters will be added to the syslinux APPEND or grub kernel command line.

  • ``–configfile``: Specifies a user-defined configuration file for the bootloader. You can provide a full pathname for the file or a file that exists in the canned-wks folder. This option overrides all other bootloader options.